Saturday, December 3, 2011

Official Opening: Golden Moonlight Chapter 8 Teaser

Hello everyone!

So I'm officially opening up my person fan fiction blog, just to step away from TOK for awhile and I decided what better way to start then posting the teaser for the long-awaited lemony goodness of

Chapter 8: Ill-Fated

of Golden Moonlight: Leah's Imprint Story!

As for those who are reading this fic know, it is in Cameron's POV and flows from the scene where Leah has started taking another step in the swiftly blooming romance between the couple, but I can tell you, this chapter is a whole lot more than that! I don't want to give too much away, but I'll just leave you with this little teaser since I think you all deserve one, so here is a little piece of Chapter 8...


The reflection in the water showed a strong-built man towering far over what I noticed was a lake. He was wearing a black leather trench coat wafting in the breeze revealing a belt with various weapons, too cruel, matching his face. You could see a blue fluid shoot through his veins and spark off his trench coat. He had menacing blue eyes that glowed brightly with terror, his spiked hair adding to the evil within him. His grin would make anyone’s blood run cold, illuminating his blue eyes which seemed to emit a blue light. He cackled as the light in his eyes became stronger and stronger. I soon discovered the man was in fact, me.

I tried to steer myself away, but I was rooted to the spot. I held up a long-silver dagger, the blue sparks coming off of it, through my hands. I felt powerful and intimidating as the reflection in the water became, but I still felt distant from this creature that was allegedly me, thus slowly becoming it. The dagger was hidden behind my back as my gaze softened when another person appeared suddenly. It was Leah, dressed in a red dress, her hair falling straight down her back, leading into her curves. I turned to her.

She kissed me on the lips then pulled away, “You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me.”

I felt the urge to kiss back, but my mind was filled with bloodlust as I pulled the dagger back out and plunged it into her throat, too quickly for my mind to comprehend what I did as I stabbed her. Blood poured from her mouth, spilling over her dress as she gasped for air, choking on her blood. Red liquid flowed down her dress. “Cameron…” She spoke as the mysterious blue light flowed from the dagger and exploded, her screams reaching an inhuman pitch, stabbing through my heart, but it was numbed and I started to cheer in this desire to kill, my eerie laughter unsettling the night. I tried to push the thoughts away as I pulled the dagger out, Leah gone from this world, as I stared into the dagger seeing her face next to mine fade away.


OOooOOoooOOOOOooo... something wicked this way comes. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. It seems evil blue-eyed guy is back from his AWOLness in chapter 2. Why do you think he's back and what's he got to do with Cameron?


I also would like to let everyone know, this month is a busy month for me in the fanfic world. I have tons of one-shots to write before the end of this month. I will be back on track at the end of the month, but there will be no updates from when I finally post chapter 8. You can check out all the contests and charity compilations I'm involved in on the "In the Fandom" page.

Adios for now!


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